But oh no! Why won't my videos load? Chances are, you got a new Raspberry Pi 3, plugged it in with your new n00bs SD card, installed OSMC, and then started having issues immediately. As someone relatively new to the Linux world, and even newer to the wonderful world of IOT devices, I admit that I have been infected by a lifelong Microsoft virus that tricks my mind into believing I can just "plug and play", but we are no longer in a plug and play kind of world. Because of the fact that humanity's introduction to computer technology lacked an integral core foundation to the infrastructure of how it all works, 90 percent of computer users are completely clueless, and vulnerable to being pwned by a huge plethora of exploitation's created by those who DO know how it all works. Ok so what does that have to do with configurations? Plenty, because if you don't secure your IOT devices, video lag will be the least of your problems. I promise you that, b...